Ramsbury FC Meeting – Tue 2 Nov 21 @ 8pm
The next Ramsbury FC Meeting will be held on Tue 2nd Nov 21 @8pm in the Bell Pub in Ramsbury. Apologies to me if you cannot attend. At least one representative from each team should attend. Agenda to follow.
Ramsbury FC Social – Friday 26 Nov 21 @ 7.30pm
Ramsbury FC Committee have organised drinks and a curry buffet in the Ramsbury Royal British Legion on Friday 26 Nov 21 @ 7.30 onwards. The Royal British Legion have kindly let us use their club and will provide plates and cutlery for the curry. The drinks and curry buffet has been organised to say thank you to all involved with our superb Football Club and to recognise all that you do. It is a very relaxed evening and partners are welcome, but please do let me know if you will be attending so we can plan on numbers. Please let me know by Tue 4 Nov 21.
Clubhouse Cafe
The Clubhouse Cafe will be closed this weekend and the following weekend as I will be away. However, if there are volunteers who are happy to run the Cafe on Sat 30 or on Sun 31 Oct then get them to get in contact with me and I can arrange for it to be open.