27 July 2020
We were absolutely thrilled to find out that the club has recently been honoured with 2 awards from Wiltshire FA! We took home the honours in the following two categories: We Only Do Positive! Winner of We Only Positive Award goes to Geoff Pratt, Andy Knowles, Jon...
27 July 2020
Welcome to the youngest squad at Ramsbury Football Club. The Under 6’s kick off with an hour of fun and games every Saturday morning at 09:30 and absolutely everybody is welcome. Catching, throwing, kicking, running, standing still as statues… we focus on a...
18 July 2020
The Ramsbury FC Registration Form has been updated for the 2020-2021 Season. It has the correct subscriptions for all age groups and concessions for those signed on last season who are re-joining for this season; early payment before 30 Sep 20 and for the U6 age group...
7 July 2020
PLEASE FIND ATTACHED A RAMSBURY CLUB POSTER AND LAST NEWSLETTER. RAMSBURY FOOTBALL CLUB POSTER Ramsbury FC Newsletter 2019 The club is open for new players to join our exciting and family-friendly club. We keep our costs and subscriptions low, as our aim is to keep...